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Game Summary

Star Stable Online (SSO) is a multiplayer online role playing game where adventures, horses and mysteries are waiting to be explored! The game provides an inclusive, safe, and fun world aimed at girls, teens, and young women between the ages for 8-18! Players adventure across Jorvik, a beautiful island full of never-ending adventures. Together with their very own horse, they become part of a magical story and get to explore a fantastic world from the horseback.


As this online game turns 10 years old this year, we satisfy our audience with action pact story quests, in-game events and holidays, and a myriad of collectables, races, apparel, and new horses! The Star Stable Product Line also reaches its audience through music, animation, books, and comics!

Game Design

During my time at Star Stable, I was promoted from Senior Game Designer, to Lead Game Designer, to Design Director.


My time at Star Stable as Design Director was short as opportunities at Chief Rebel quickly offered me an opportunity to make the kind of game I grew up playing as a child. The opportunity to make a game that would challenge Blizzard and other industry titans was too exciting to say no to. With that said, in my short time I worked closely with our Game Director to plan the transition of this 12yr old aging game into a cross-platform powerhouse. We defined our goals to reimagine seasonal content, storytelling, and progression. Since departing I am proud to watch Star Stable from afar thrive and grow as our new direction modernizes the game.


As Lead Game Designer, I was responsible for major releases of gameplay systems, quests, seasonal events, and progression systems. I mentored and led the design discipline of 14 designers while having direct managerial responsibility for 8. I also rebuilt the games core progression system around building a relationship between rider and horse, which dramatically improved engagement, retention, and revenue. In support of our players, I also worked to build a closer bridge with our audience by organizing and conducting public beta testing, closed alpha testing, and feature testing!

  • Hollow Woods: We dramatically overhauled one of the oldest and earliest questing areas in the game to help new players become lovers of the world! I'm proud of the strong narrative, challenging puzzles, and satisfying exploration we managed to achieve with this series of updates.

  • Seasonal Content: Over my tenure at Star Stable I led the charge in evolving our seasonal festivals from one or two day quest hubs to massive events that changed the business model of the game. Highly engaged players would flock to the game around our seasonal events to experience some of the best content the game had to offer. These events also became some of our highest revenue drivers!

  • Progression Systems: We expanded progression systems to create what Live Ops looks like in Star Stable. Players are rewarded for playing their way, whether that be socially, through story content, racing, or just exploring the world.


As Senior Game Designer on Star Stable Online, I owned the development of major content releases, improve pipelines and workflow to resolve tech and design debt, and develop systems and tools to prepare the game to thrive in its second decade of life through the introduction of live-ops, new gameplay systems, and social features. Additionally, I lead efforts to improve cross-discipline collaboration in ways that empower Marketing Teams, Community Services, and our players' relationships with our core development teams!


  • System Design: I am focused on integrating live-ops, improving social systems, and creating new tools and content pipelines that will allow us to attract and engage players well into SSO's second decade live! In addition to these higher goals, I also have worked on improving the horse care and bonding experience, achievements/collections, and improving the horse buying experience.

  • Game Design: I have a great deal of passion for the moment-to-moment gameplay of SSO, and unfortunately, many of the core gameplay features have aged poorly over the game's life. I work with designers and developers to tackle tech and design debt that impairs our ability to deliver consistent, polished, and satisfying experiences. 

  • Content Design: In 2020, I led the releases of our biggest seasonal events in SSO. Halloween and Winter! 
    My team was so successful in this endeavor that players claimed they were two of the most memorable, thrilling, and ambitious seasonal events SSO had released in years. Behind the scenes, we also surpassed engagement and profit expectations for both events!


I will flesh out this section in more detail at a later date!

Game Trailer
Event Media
Other Games
Fellowship-KeyArt-withLogo (1).png

As Design Director on Fellowship, I was responsible for the success of our core gameplay experience. Cooperative play, great encounters, satisfying hero design, and meaningful progression. In addition to this I also worked to unify and empower designers to create a memorable game for our target audience.


As Game Designer on Deadwood: The Forgotten Curse, I led a close-knit team of designers and developers. I pitched weapons, enemies, encounters, bosses and level ideas, designed them on paper, prototyped them, and then worked on and owned them until polished.


Senior Game Designer


PC, iPhone, iPad


Stellar Engine (Proprietary Engine)

Social Media
  • Facebook Social Icon
  • YouTube
  • SSOLogo
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