Origin: Booty Battles is a local multiplayer game. It was designed as a prototype for a larger top-down pirate game I have been thinking about for awhile. I wanted to determine if the core mechanics (Steering and Shooting) were engaging enough to warrant further development.
To save on prototyping time I turned the original design, a single player naval combat game, into a local multiplayer game. This allowed me to focus on getting navigation and combat quickly refined instead of writing enemy AI.
This prototype took roughly 7 work days to develop. With an extra day or two to implement a quick menu system.
Overall I'm pleased with the current product. If I could restart the prototype I would focus on creating a solid singleplayer experience. By producing a singleplayer prototype it would have been much easier for remote players to test. Booty Battles was my first time building a fully functional and polished game menu solo. Spending the extra time on the menu was good practice but unnecessary for a prototype. I also lost a handful of time building an audio system that I end
Credits: Bretton Hamilton - Designer & Programmer
Assorted Assets: Kenney - Watercraft Pack Synty Studios - POLYGON Pirates Pack Daniel Robnik - Low Poly Styled Rocks Jolix - Low Poly Water GPU TheKingCairns - Music
The game will be available for download on itch.io